
Julia Grandperret Motin took photography as her medium six years ago, teaching herself how to use an analogue camera. she started to photograph her friends and their friends, her travels and their landscapes. Never subscribing to the digital, and entirely self-taught, she started taking her practice to a professional level at the start of 2015 in projects such as magazine editorials, music videos, and documentary series.
One could say that the accidents, coincidences, and elements of surprise that are inevitable occurrences in photography paired with a desire to constantly seek improvement are what shaped her growth as a photographer, through trial and error. her work follows an ongoing investigation of what surrounds her in her personal life—youth, music, and popular culture. On a more personal level, Julia continues to be enraptured by the floating, ungraspable moments that make her capture the faces of people she loves, places she travels to; consoling herself through prints in colour or black-and-white about the fugacity of these moments, their unstoppable disappearance. while she has started to intervene on an editorial level on her photographs, creating superimpositions and furthering her research on texture and light, she has kept subjects that are part of her daily-life, never upstaging the value of movement and a sense of proximity with the depicted.