Caroline Corbasson’s work explores
how the observation of space and the
improvement of astronomical tools have
caused a rupture between immediate
perception, that of the average individual,
and that of scientists, in the place of man
in the universe. 
Her drawings, sculptures
and videos carefully examine this
Connecting the infinitely
great, whose evolution dates
back to an early-cultural period,
and the depth of the infinitely small,
perceptible thanks to the tools of science.

Drawn, charcoal on paper, four-panel wall composite, 82 x 88 inches, 2018

Ce serait le hasard, lambda silver prints, 10 x 13,5 cm, 2017

Ash, charcoal on paper, 150 x 210, 2016

Vimos I, photographic prints, 82 X 83 cm, 2018

Vimos II, photographic prints, 82 X 83 cm, 2018

Dust to dust, 2012

Bending space, folded book pages, various sizes, 2016

Written, charcoal on paper, nine-panel wall composite, 228 x 128 cm, 2018

Waves, fine art inkjet prints on rag, 82 x 60 cm each, 2016

Fields, direct charcoal prints on paper, various sizes, 2017

Stardust, charcoal on paper, 150 x 210 cm, 2016